double xmin = -2.5; double ymin = -2; double zoom = 4; double downX, downY, startX, startY, startWH; int maxIterations = 400; boolean shiftPressed = false; void setup() { size(800, 800); colorMode(HSB, 255); cTest(); textSize(30); buffer = new PImage(800, 800); buffer.loadPixels(); } int m = 0; PImage buffer; boolean hasChanged = true; void draw() { if (keyPressed && key == ' ') { //DISCO TIME!!!! m+=10; hasChanged = true; } if (hasChanged) { double xmax = xmin + zoom; double ymax = ymin + zoom; // Calculate amount we increment x,y for each pixel double dx = (xmax-xmin) / width; double dy = (ymax-ymin) / height; double y = ymin; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { double x = xmin; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { Complex z = complex(0, 0); Complex c = complex(x, y); int n = 0; while (n < maxIterations) { z = cMultiply(z, z); z.add(c); if (Math.abs(z.r)+Math.abs(z.i)>10) break; //z.r+z.i>16 //z.getMagnitude()>99999999999L //Math.abs(z.r)+Math.abs(z.i)>16 n++; } buffer.pixels[i+j*width] = (n==maxIterations) ? color(0) : color((n*16+m) % 255, 255, 255); //(n*16+m) % 255, 255, 255 x += dx; } y += dy; } buffer.updatePixels(); } set(0, 0, buffer); //set() is more efficient than image() fill(255); text((float)round(frameRate*10)/10 + " fps zoom: " + round((float)(1/zoom)), 0, textAscent()); ////this stuff was supposed was supposed to visualize the trajectory of the value at the mouse position //Complex z = complex(0, 0); //Complex c = complex(xmin+mouseX*zoom , ymin+mouseY*zoom); //int n = 0; //while (n < maxIterations) { // z = cMultiply(z, z); // z.add(c); // ellipse((float)(z.r*zoom-xmin), (float)(z.i*zoom-ymin), 10, 10); // if(z.getMagnitude()>99) break; // n++; //} hasChanged = false; } void mousePressed() { downX=mouseX; downY=mouseY; startX=xmin; startY=ymin; startWH=zoom; } void mouseDragged() { hasChanged = true; double deltaX=(mouseX-downX)/width; double deltaY=(mouseY-downY)/height; if (!keyPressed || keyCode != SHIFT) { //i don't like this line xmin = startX-deltaX*zoom; ymin = startY-deltaY*zoom; } else { if (zoom>10) zoom=10; if (deltaX>1) deltaX=1; zoom = startWH-deltaX*zoom; xmin = startX+deltaX*zoom/2; ymin = startY+deltaX*zoom/2; } } /* ComplexLib is a simple library for working with complex numbers in Processing Java. It currently implements the following operators and functions: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Reciprocation Division Exponentiation (limited to natural exponents) Normalization Conjugates Polar coordinates Square roots I hope that the JVM is smart enough to optimize away all the data shuffling, otherwise it will be unusable for fractal rendering. Written by Raphael Kobler. */ //base class representing complex numbers. Implements some operators/functions for convenience. class Complex { double r; //real part double i; //imaginary part Complex(double r_, double i_) { r = r_; i = i_; } //get real dude, smh rn double getReal() { return r; } double getImaginary() { return i; } double getMagnitude() { return Math.sqrt( r*r + i*i ); } boolean equals(Complex c) { return r == c.r && i == c.i; } String toString() { return "("+r+" + "+i+"i)"; } //literally no idea if this even works, no time to test it void normalize() { r /= getMagnitude(); i /= getMagnitude(); } void add(Complex c) { r += c.r; i += c.i; } void subtract(Complex c) { r -= c.r; i -= c.i; } void multiply(double a) { r *= a; i *= a; } void multiply(Complex c) { r = r * c.r - i * c.i; i = r * c.i + i * c.r; } double getPhase() { return Math.atan2(r, i); } Complex getConjugate() { return complex(r, -i); } //from Complex getReciprocal() { double s = r*r + i*i; return complex(r/s, -i/s); } void square() { multiply(complex(r, i)); } void raise(int exponent) { if (exponent < 0) { println("WARNING: ComplexLib: Exponentiation with a negative exponent is not supported and always yields 0r + 0i"); r = 0; i= 0; return; } exponent--; while (exponent > 0) { multiply(this); exponent--; } } } final Complex cZero = new Complex(0, 0); boolean cEquals(Complex a, Complex b) { return a.r == b.r && a.i == b.i; } String cToString(Complex c) { return c.toString(); } //shorthand for "new Complex()" Complex complex(double r, double i) { return new Complex(r, i); } //useful when you want to do things like adding a real number to a complex number even though there is no function that explicitly supports it Complex complex(double r) { return complex(r, 0); } double cPhase(Complex input) { return Math.atan2(input.r, input.i); } Complex cConjugate(Complex c) { return c.getConjugate(); } Complex cReciprocal(Complex c) { return c.getReciprocal(); } Complex cAdd(Complex a, Complex b) { return complex(a.r+b.r, a.i+b.i); } //same shit again but with three (convenience) Complex cAdd(Complex a, Complex b, Complex c) { return complex(a.r+b.r+c.r, a.i+b.i+c.i); } Complex cSum(Complex[] input) { double rSum = 0; double iSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { rSum += input[i].r; iSum += input[i].i; } Complex output = complex(rSum, iSum); return output; } Complex cSubtract(Complex a, Complex b) { return complex(a.r-b.r, a.i-b.i); } Complex cMultiply(Complex c, double alpha) { return complex(c.r*alpha, c.i*alpha); } Complex cMultiply(double alpha, Complex c) { return complex(c.r*alpha, c.i*alpha); } Complex cMultiply(Complex a, Complex b) { double r = a.r * b.r - a.i * b.i; double i = a.r * b.i + a.i * b.r; return complex(r, i); } Complex cDivide(Complex a, double b) { return complex(a.r/b, a.i/b); } Complex cDivide(Complex a, Complex b) { return cMultiply(a, cReciprocal(b)); } Complex cSquare(Complex input) { return cMultiply(input, input); } //can only do exponentiation with a natural exponent. TESTME Complex cRaise(Complex base, int exponent) { if (exponent < 0) { println("WARNING: ComplexLib: Exponentiation with a negative exponent is not supported and always yields 0r + 0i"); return cZero; } exponent--; //this seems to work but it's really awful Complex result = base; while (exponent > 0) { result = cMultiply(result, base); exponent--; } return result; } //TESTME Complex cSqrt(Complex input) { double r = Math.sqrt(input.getMagnitude()); double theta = cPhase(input)/2; return complex(r*Math.cos(theta), r*Math.sin(theta)); } //TESTME Complex normalize(Complex c) { return complex(c.r /= c.getMagnitude(), c.i /= c.getMagnitude()); } //--------------TESTING ONLY--------------// double precision = 0.00001; //how much the expected and the calculated result are allowed to diverge //i used and WolframAlpha to calculate these void cTest() { println("starting test..."); test("Equals", cEquals(c(1, 23), c(1, 23))); test("Addition", eq( cAdd(c(5, 6), c(2, 1)), c(7, 7)) ); test("Subtraction", eq( cSubtract(c(12.4, 5), c(11.2, 4.9)), c(1.2, 0.1)) ); test("Multiplication", eq( cMultiply(c(5.1, 6.3), c(2, -1)), c(16.5, 7.5))); test("Reciprocation", eq( complex(3, -2).getReciprocal(), c(0.230769230, 0.1538461538) )); test("Division", eq( cDivide(c(1, 2), c(2, 3)), c(0.615384615, 0.07692))); test("Exponentiation", eq(cRaise(c(5, 7), 3), c(-610, 182))); println("\n"); println(total + " tests have been performed. " + passed + " passed, " + failed + " failed."); } //shorthands for testing Complex c(double r, double i) { return complex(r, i); } boolean eq(Complex a, Complex b) { return Math.abs(a.r-b.r)